Features - Overview
GALENA has been, and still is, a leader in introducing innovation to stability analysis - many of GALENA’s characteristics, features and definitions are unique - the Features pages show the use of some of GALENA’s features.
All model images shown on these pages are taken from GALENA 7 - we trust you will find them informative.
Ease of Use

Complete operation from a single program screen where a model is created, processed and results presented and viewed - one program for all functions and operations.

Easily-understood menus, buttons, shortcuts and single-key functions.

Profiles, surfaces and slices can be mouse-drawn, defined in terms of x/y co-ordinates, or a combination of both.

Most definitions can be simply set and modified using a mouse.

Context-sensitive Help and reference included, as well as a Tutorial and described example model files.
Speed of Operation

Full 32 bit program for Windows 7/8.x/10 operating systems.

Optimised for the latest processors.

Fast - around 5000 trial surfaces can be analysed with the Bishop method in less than 2 seconds!
Model files can be AutoSaved and a Backup file created before processing, to save your valuable time.
Express processing ability, with automatic saving of result details and images.
Errors and operations recorded in a Session Log, for viewing at any time.
Model tracing of background cross-sections - either pasted from the Windows clipboard, or imported from file, including scanned-image files.
Model mirroring feature that allows models to be flipped horizontally - particularly useful for traced models and Sarma analyses.

Data and model files from previous versions are automatically converted.

Windows Print Manager used for hardcopy output - print to any available printer.

Full colour images to colour-capable printers, and to the Windows clipboard.

Stability Analysis, BackAnalysis, and Probability Analysis, with Bishop, Spencer-Wright and Sarma methods of analysis available for each.

Automatic tension crack generation at the upper end of failure surfaces - a must for Spencer multiple analyses!

Negative Ru values for Suction heads (negative porewater pressure regimes).

External Forces to act at any point and angle on the slope, allowing simulation of bolts or inclusion of other forces.

Distributed Loads to act on any planar section of the slope surface, allowing simulation of vehicle, railway, dragline or overburden loads, including complex loads with varying load values throughout the load profile.

Searching controlled with Restraints, set by you, to search only those areas of interest to you - very flexible, very powerful.

The number of individual trial surfaces that can be analysed within each multiple analysis is virtually limitless (maximum is around 1 billion!)
Titles for each analysis, in addition to an overall model title.
Text annotation with a wide choice of fonts, colours and sizes for placement on the model image at any position and at any angle.
Multiple BackAnalysis result images - each curve is labelled with its Factor of Safety.
Figure numbers for analysis result images - pre-defined or user-defined prefixes.
Multiple Failure Surface display on analysis result images.
Material description, properties and colour keys can automatically be included on analysis result images.
Copy images to the Windows Clipboard for pasting into your report in a word processor.
Copyright © 1990-2022 Clover Associates Pty Ltd Updated: 14 June 2022